Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Grip Pressure

3 Tips From Samson Dubina


ITTF Coach Samson Dubina

New Video

Power Pong Robot

Here at Power Pong International, we would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to all the players, coaches, and brands that are promoting Power Pong Robots!  Today's featured video is by Gewo.  Check it out!

Winning Table Tennis

Check out the NEW Coaching Article

Winning Table Tennis
NEW Coaching Article
By Coach Samson Dubina
A missing key in table tennis is a proper understanding of between-game analysis and between-point analysis.  In this article, I’m going to mention the three keys – understanding the problem, finding a solution, and encouraging yourself with the benefit of implementing the solution.
#1 The Problem

Root of the Problem

Check out the coaching article...

Root of the Problem
Unless you can find the root of the problem – your problem with persist and you will continue losing. I often ask players why they lost a specific match. They often respond with…
“It was a bad match.”
“I was just off.”
“I didn’t practice enough.”
“My opponent was on fire.”


Coaching Article by Samson Dubina

-By Samson Dubina
In table tennis, spinning the racket in the hand is called twiddling.  For certain playing styles, this skill is an absolute necessity.  In this article, I’m going to briefly describe who should twiddle, when to twiddle, technique for twiddling, twiddling equipment, twiddle training, and twiddle tricks.
Who Should Twiddle

The Think Circle

Learn the 4-Step Process

Between pitches in baseball, the batter steps out of the batter’s box to re-focus.
The same thing is true in table tennis; the pros often call this the “think circle.”
Between points, step back about 4-6 feet away from the table and draw an imaginary circle around yourself and collect your thoughts in your think circle.  Every pro athlete has a different method of processing the points, relaxing, and gearing up for the next point, but I’m going to give you the method that I personally use.

Great Work, Seth!

New Videos by Seth Pech

Here at Power Pong International, we are thankful to the many coaches and players using and promoting Power Pong Robots!  Check out the amazing videos by Panama Men's Singles National Champion Seth Pech!
(Don't forget to subscribe to his growing YouTube Channel as well)

Michael Jordan

What was his best skill?


Top 10 Ways to Make Improvements This Year!

Check it out!

Top 10 Ways to Boost Your Level THIS YEAR!
There are some short-cuts that you can do for a quick improvement in your game right now, some elements that you can improve this year, then some aspects that take 5-10 years to fully develop.  In this article, I’m going to talk about mid-range improvements that you can make during the next 12 months.
#1 Time-Management

Mental Toughness

Check Out the New Video!


ITTF Coach Samson Dubina
