Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Online Coaching

ITTF Coach Samson Dubina

Learn Table Tennis - ONLINE

NEW Training Videos

Power Pong Robots


Yes, the Power Pong Omega just keeps getting better and better!  In addition to the free 45 drills that come standard with each robot, we are now offering 4 free drill packages for you to download.  Want personalized drills for you?  Yes, we offer that service as well.  Make the payment below and Samson Dubina will discuss your game with you and customize a training program to meet your needs!
FREE Download (Use Google Chrome)

Tip of the Week

Check out the Coaching Tip of the Week


FREE Coaching Videos

Check out the brand new videos on SERVE RETURN!

FREE Drill Downloads

Check them out!

Yes, the Power Pong Omega just keeps getting better and better!  In addition to the free 45 drills that come standard with each robot, we are now offering 4 free drill packages for you to download.  Want personalized drills for you?  Yes, we offer that service as well.  Make the payment below and Samson Dubina will discuss your game with you and customize a training program to meet your needs!
FREE Download (Use Google Chrome)

Mental Game

NEW Coaching Video!

Hi Friends!

The Talent Code

Brand New Coaching Video by Samson Dubina


30 Opponents?

Are there really 30 different styles in table tennis?


Training Reminders

Just a few things to remember...

Hi ___________ Online Student,
Today, I wanted to give you some reminders about your game.  I would recommend printing this list out, having it next to the table, and spending 30 seconds reviewing this list before each of your training sessions.
Forehand Loop Against Topspin

Advanced Scatter

NEW Update on the Power Pong Robot

