Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Genesis 1-2

Read About the Story of Creation

Genesis 1-2
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.


Written by Ricky Vesel

Despite its reputation as a leisurely game, at the competitive level table tennis brings out some potent extremes of emotion.  And I hate to say it, but it'd be silly to deny that I've earned a reputation as one of the fairly "hot-headed" players in the Ohio region.  I've been approached about my use of language one time (oops), and have overheard other players scolding my emotional outbursts, or learned about their bemused reactions through the grapevine.


Learn the perfect balance of fluid intake for training and tournaments

What to Drink for Proper Hydration During Exercise
How much water or sports drink is needed for proper hydration during exercise
Updated April 15, 2011


Common Causes of Dehydration In Athletes

School Exhibitions February 24-26

The Ping Pong Man is Coming to Akron Ohio

Scott Preiss and Samson Dubina School Exhibitions
February 24-26, 2014
Akron, Ohio

Wang Zhen's Experience

Read a Coaching Tip From a Player Rated 2815

I asked Wang Zhen if he had any thoughts to share with us about his recent match against Fan Zhendong at the ITTF Grand Finals.  Here is what Wang says...
Let's talk about the match. Before the match Dejan (my coach for the match) helped me to analyze Fan's game, we both agreed I need to be more aggressive then usual, otherwise I won't have any chance to challenge him with my regular performance.

Beat the Champ

Learn Mental Strategies Against Elite Players!

When you play against high-rated opponents, do you play better or worse?
If you play better against them, it is probably due to the fact that you are more mentally relaxed having a “nothing-to-lose” mentality.  If you have this focused, relaxed attitude – wonderful!  Try to go into every match and every practice session giving your best, having fun, and not putting the pressure on yourself.  This is a great experience!

National College Table Tennis Championships

The NCTTA is looking for volunteers

Come One, Come All!  NCTTA Championships Needs Your Help!

Tournament Advice

Learn from Blake Cottrell

It is important to always keep a positive attitude even when you are losing.  In my short table tennis career, I have seen many players beat themselves as they gave up when losing or beat themselves up after playing a poor point.  Everybody makes mistakes in their strategy and/or technique during matches, even the most elite players in the world.  I have made comments to younger players that were losing to stay positive and heard back “Positive?  This guy is killing me!  I have no chance.”  I often say to myself, “This isn’t over yet.  I can do it.”

Beat the Lefty

Learn 6 New Strategies!

Generalizing all lefties into one category is difficult, but I’ll do my best to explain some general strategies that would apply to most lefties.  I’m assuming that you (the reader) are right-handed.
Serve Return
When the lefty is serving a forehand serve from the backhand side, adjust your position slightly more to the right.  The lefty will often use a sidespin serve to curve the ball away from your wide forehand.  By standing more to the right, you will be able to better cover the wide forehand.
Down-the-Line Block

The Comeback

Learn Some Strategy from Shreyans Bafna (age 15)

