Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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Skype Lessons

Improve your game at HOME!

So, I asked the question on facebook...
"If you got hourly pay of what you SHOULD get, how much would you get paid? How much is your time worth?"
I received many responses via messenger and on my wall.  Some people said $30 or $40 or $200 per hour.  These people value their time.  So let's use $50/hour as an example.   What if I told you that I could save you 150 hours of time?  So 150 x 50 = $7500.  That would be worth $7500, right?
So how does this relate to table tennis????????


Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays!


Hi Friends,
I'm offering 3 free services to my personal students and I'm now inviting YOU to join us!!!  I hope you can join me every Monday and Friday and Saturday from the convenience of your living room!

Table Tennis Dives _____>----0

Check out this Video!

Coronavirus & Tower of Siloam

Bible Verse of the Week and Commentary

Coronavirus and the Tower of Siloam
Our Bible verse of the week is from Luke 13.  I would like for you to read the passage, then read what Pastor John MacArthur says about these verses.
Luke 13:1-5 

Improve With No Practice?

Is it possible?

Fitness Friday!

Join us on YOUTUBE

Bad Strokes?

Discover the REAL Problem

Wang:  Hey Bob, how are you doing this tournament?
Bob:  This is the worst I have ever played!  I haven’t touched a racket for two weeks then on my first match that long-pips guys messed up my stroke and now I don’t know what to do.
Wang:  Well, let’s practice.
After the practice…
Wang:  Yeah, you aren’t on top of your game.
Bob:  My strokes are terrible, I’m just not looping the ball like I used to.

How much is your time worth?

Watch 2 new videos!

Sign Up NOW for private lessons online:
These lessons can be Skype or Facetime or Facebook Messenger or Zoom - the choice is yours!

New Book!

Why Table Tennis?

Hi Friends,
