Coach Samson Dubina US National Team Coach 4x USATT Coach of the Year

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An article related to improving players table tennis skills.

Paddle Palace Fitness Video of the Month

Sarah Jalli - US National Women's Team Member



NEW Video by Samson Dubina


Table Tennis Recognition

Learn about the importance and pitfalls of recognition

In the table tennis world, giving players recognition is very important.  I think it is great when tournaments have an award podium and make the awards ceremony very official.  The Samson Dubina Table Tennis Academy will be promoting more and more recognition in the sport as we continue to grow.  However, some players only play for the recognition from others.  IF THIS IS YOUR MINDSET, IT WILL HINDER YOUR PROGRESS!!!


Have. A. Plan.

Video From Samson and Sarah



Your Perception of Yourself


Hi Friends!


NEW Article by Samson Dubina and quotes from Lanny Bassham


Stroke Considerations

Should you CHANGE your stroke?

Stroke Considerations
-By Coach Samson Dubina
If you have played for many years with the incorrect stroke, should you change it OR should you keep it and improve other aspects of your game?  This is a tough question.  Personally, I feel that YOU need to be on the one to answer this question.  But as you think to answer it, there are some stroke considerations that you should make in evaluating your own stroke and evaluating how a change would help or hurt your progress both short term, mid range, and long term.

Body Language

NEW Coaching Video by Samson Dubina


Beating Higher Players

NEW Coaching Video by Samson Dubina


Learnin' Experience

Read about 4 main keys to improvement

After a poor performance at a tournament, many players go back to the local club and justify their play by saying, “Well, it was a learnin’ experience.”  Often, when questioned what they learned, these players use very general terms like – my backhand needs work.
In order to truly turn a bad tournament into a good thing, you must learn to be specific.  I know that it is painful, but do the following 4 things:


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